The Importance of Picking a Niche in Your Business

A few months ago my very knowledgable and responsive insurance broker, Michael Carroll, owner of The Carroll Insurance Group, LLC interviewed me.  As my insurance broker Michael knows the details of my practice area since it is relevant to which insurance we choose to best protect ourselves.  In consideration of my practice being quite specific, […]

Certification Marks: Hidden Value and Revenue in Your Business

Coaching and consulting businesses have been on the increase in recent years.  I have noticed the most successful to be those that have incorporated a “certified” consulting and/or coaching program.  For any consulting or coaching business this seems to be a great business model for adding a stream of revenue. Why does the addition of […]

Yes, You Need to Consider Legal Issues if You Own a Business

Delivering your product & services requires that you consider certain legal issues: I recently attended a conference held by my coach and advisor in which he introduced and focused on the idea that one of the main parts of every business is the physical plant or factory.  Your physical plant has to be in alignment […]

The Power of Sensational Words

After almost two years of going back and forth with US Patent & Trademark Office I recently obtained a registration for a client’s trademark.  Upon notifying the client, his response was “sensational.” Reading that word put a huge smile on my face.  I have received joyful responses to good news in the past but something […]

Do Not Wait for an Emergency

Hiring an Attorney is as Important to your Business as Getting a Check-Up is to your Health; Diagnose, Don’t Operate.    I was looking for an article that explains to small business owners why they should hire an attorney as soon as they decide to go into business.  Upon searching, I immediately found articles that […]


Live events are hot right now.  You have invested countless hours and a chunk of change into a live event that you know will build your positive reputation, grow your audience, and ultimately create buzz enough to sell your higher ticket programs or items. A seamlessly run event is what will get attendees to sign […]

Force Majeure – Force MaWhat

Force Majeure. If you have ever read a contract, most likely included in it was a provision called Force Majeure. Force Majeure, in literal translation from French, means “superior or irresistible power.”  Its use in contracts stateside has been defined as “an event that is a result of the elements of nature, as opposed to […]

So you call yourself an expert…

We have all heard the term “buyer beware” and likely most associate it with the consumption and purchase of material goods. A healthy practice; cover yourself. But do not limit this precaution to physical products. So many services are offered today and practitioners are ubiquitous and often quite savvy in their self-representation. Many are legitimate […]