‘THANKYOU’ Trademark Dispute is not so Polite

‘THANKYOU’ Trademark Dispute is not so Polite Citigroup has sued AT&T over their claim to the THANKYOU brand.  I recently read this post http://www.techeye.net/business/thank-you-as-us-patent-office-trademarks-being-polite It comes as a surprise to many that “thank you” and other commonly used, simple words and phrases, could even be trademarked. Any name, symbol, design, scent, sound, color, or motion […]

5 Major Intellectual Property Mistakes Businesses Make

In working with small businesses we consistently see mistakes that the owners of these businesses could easily avoid if only they were made aware.  Here are 5 Intellectual Property mistakes to know and avoid: 1. Picking the Wrong Brand Name. When you start your business and choose a name, more thought should go into this […]

Certification Marks: Hidden Value and Revenue in Your Business

Coaching and consulting businesses have been on the increase in recent years.  I have noticed the most successful to be those that have incorporated a “certified” consulting and/or coaching program.  For any consulting or coaching business this seems to be a great business model for adding a stream of revenue. Why does the addition of […]


I am a huge fan of both the television shows Shark Tank® and The Profit. Beyond the entertainment factor, they offer a wonderful business education for those who are looking.  Every episode of each show has several recurring themes that every business owner should always take note of: planning, knowing your numbers, knowing when to […]


Live events are hot right now.  You have invested countless hours and a chunk of change into a live event that you know will build your positive reputation, grow your audience, and ultimately create buzz enough to sell your higher ticket programs or items. A seamlessly run event is what will get attendees to sign […]


I see it time and time again, a client or potential client emails me from their work email when the basis of our relationship has no association with their work. Let’s make this simple: if you are seeking to pursue a project unrelated to your present job DO NOT USE YOUR WORK EMAIL. WHY: • […]

Important Legal Issues Around a Live Event

In September of this year I attended Ruth Sherman’s Charisma Live event to learn how to become a better speaker and presenter. In addition to benefiting from these events and putting them toward my own personal development, I always use these experiences to learn as much about the coaching industry so that I can better […]

What’s In a Name?

“It started off really fine with pleasantries, and then it was essentially them asking me to cancel my trademark application and that they would help me cancel it.” These are the words from Bunmi Laditan, a writer for the blog and book franchise called The Honest Toddler. She is referring to the opposing company, The […]

Hit Song “YMCA” Returns to Original Writer

Sometimes a little-known law can make all the difference in a legal outcome. Such is the case for Victor Willis. You may know him as the lead singer of the 1970s disco group, the Village People. Recently, Mr. Willis was able to regain the rights to the songs he wrote after 1978, thanks to a […]

The Myth of the Patent Troll

A patent troll or “non practicing entity “or “patent assertion entity” is an individual or company that holds a patent(s) but has no intention of manufacturing the product or software. The negative connotation “troll” comes from the idea that this is a business model in which patents are obtained for the sole purpose of extorting […]