How to Stop Others from Stealing Your Blog Content **Attorney Advertising**
Are you worried about others stealing your blog content and passing it off as their own? There are a number of steps you can take to not only deter unauthorized use of your online content, but to quickly catch acts of theft and hold the offenders accountable if it’s discovered. Step 1: Get in The […]
Don’t Let Fear, Worry and Negativity Ruin this Momentous Time In Your Life
When planning a business, there is a lot going through the future business owner’s mind. Emotions range from the positive – excitement, giddiness, pride – to the negative – fear, worry, insecurity. On one hand, the individual is beyond excited to become their own boss, make their own hours and FINALLY do what they love. […]
“Live with intention.” It’s the only way to live…
It’s human nature to be wary of the unknown; to want to know the outcome of every decision before you finally take the steps to act; to want to know for sure that you will be successful. I understand this perspective, because I used to be the same way. I was terrified of taking risks […]
Make Sure YOU Own the Rights to Your Creative Property
Entrepreneurs and business owners often hire a third party to create anything from websites to logos to ad copy. While these works may have been commissioned and paid for by the business owner, that doesn’t necessarily mean they own the rights to them. I see this kind of thing happen all the time. A company […]
CAN-SPAM: Why It Could End Up Costing You $16,000
Have you ever found yourself on some company’s email list and you can’t remember ever signing up for it? Maybe the content interests you, maybe it doesn’t, but either way, you promise yourself you’ll be more careful about what you sign up for in the future. This seems to happen to people all the time—and […]
A Joint Venture: From the Proposal to the Divorce and Why You Want a Prenuptial
Think of a Joint Venture as a marriage that’s set to last only for a predetermined amount of time. As with a marriage fated to end in divorce, a prenuptial agreement is key to keeping the peace similar to a partnership agreement in a Joint Venture. What does this mean? Read on… The Proposal Imagine […]
You’re Never Too Old to Stop Learning
When you were five years old, you joined the tee-ball team or hockey league with visions of being the next Babe Ruth or Wayne Gretzky in your head. Yet, when you got out on that field, you discovered that you hit the tee more often than you hit the baseball, or that your butt made […]
Why You Need to Love Your Work Space
You spend a large percentage of your life working. So, you should not only love what you do, but you should love where you do it. How you feel about your office space will greatly determine how productive you are throughout the day, the quality of your work and even how you feel about your […]
5 Best Practices to Grow and Sustain Your Coaching Business
The coaching industry is growing quickly and as a coach you want to be sure you’re at the forefront of this movement. But how to do you guarantee that? Implement these 5 practices into your business and you’ll see a marked improvement in your numbers: 1. Niche Yourself: The more you focus on one type […]
5 Ways to Increase Your Profit This Year
Anyone can start a business, but growing and sustaining that business requires a lot of time, patience, and hard work. If you think you might have what it takes, keep reading… Here are five things you and every other small business owner should do to increase profits and move well beyond the point of success […]