Understanding the Basics of Intellectual Property Protection. **Attorney Advertising**

Intellectual property law deals with the legal rights of people who make original creative works and inventions. Intellectual property protection is meant to protect the rights of people who make creations of the mind by granting them the rights to those works for specified periods of time. Intellectual property law can protect scientific works and […]

Crafting an IP Protection Strategy That Fits Your Business Needs **Attorney Advertising***

A large part of your business’ value is likely in its intangible assets (patents, copyrights and trademarks). Just as you would craft a financial plan for your business, it makes sense that you would develop an intellectual property strategy to try and protect your intangible property. To create an effective intellectual property strategy, you should […]

What are the Differences Among Copyrights, Patents, and Trademarks?

What are the Differences Among Copyrights, Patents, and Trademarks? If you have a new idea that you think is unique and could make you a fortune by selling it, it would be in your best interest to patent, trademark, or copyright it. All three are protections that shield people who may try to copy your […]

Tattoos, Copyright, and You **Attorney Advertising**

You’re probably familiar with the concept of copyright protection. After all, it’s the reason you can’t just right click on an image in a Google search and upload it to your own site. But did you know that tattoos can also be protected by copyright law? That’s right—if you’ve got a tattoo that was created […]

Where Do Trademark and Copyright Symbols Go? **Attorney Advertising**

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, it’s important to understand when and how to use trademark and copyright symbols. These symbols indicate that a word, phrase, or image is protected by law, and they help to deter others from using your protected material without permission. But where do these symbols go? Read on to […]