Designing a Logo on a Budget: 3 Tips to Help You Save Money **Attorney Advertising**
Designing a logo can be expensive if you don’t know what you’re doing. A lot of business owners end up spending way more than they need to on their new company logo, simply because they don’t have the proper knowledge about how to save money. In this article, we are going to provide you with […]
Branding and Trademarks: Keep These 3 Tips in Mind **Attorney Advertising**
Developing a memorable brand that can also be protected legally can be a difficult process. Not only does it involve selecting a name that is unique in your industry or among your class of goods or services, but there are additional steps one must take to legally protect and safeguard the brand over time. While […]
3 Steps to Protect Ownership of Your Social Media Accounts **Attorney Advertising**
It’s not uncommon for employees or consultants to run a company’s socials media. But, without careful attention to the details, this arrangement can cause trouble for the business or brand if the person running the account decides to quit or gets fired in the future. The nightmare scenario that we unfortunately see too often is […]
Name Your Business with Intellectual Property Protections in Mind **Attorney Advertising**
Naming a new business can be fun, stressful, challenging or all of the above. In choosing a name that’s memorable and accurately reflects your brand, it’s also important to select a business name with intellectual property protections in mind. That’s because your business name could end up being your greatest asset, or your greatest liability. […]
What are the characteristics of a good trademark? ** Attorney Advertising**
Not all trademarks that receive trademark protection are considered “good” or “strong” marks. Many businesses or brands make the mistake of registering weak trademarks that often cause legal and financial headaches down the road. It is for this reason and others that we tell clients that in addition to making sure your desired mark can […]
Entity Formation and Trademark Registrations are NOT the Same. Here’s What to Know. **Attorney Advertising**
When it comes to starting a business, people are often confused as to the protections and benefits you gain from forming a business entity, such as an LLC or S-Corp vs. registering their business name as a trademark. These are actually two separate processes and you may need to do both in order to achieve […]
Life Just Got Harder for Counterfeit Sellers with the Launch of Amazon’s New Counterfeit Crimes Unit **Attorney Advertising**
Last month, I wrote about my run-in with counterfeit sellers on Amazon when searching for a toddler drum set for my son. If you missed that post, one listing I came across showed a beautiful drum kit for under $3.00. At that price, who wouldn’t be tempted to hit “Buy Now?” After a little bit […]
Understanding Geographical Indications for Wine Brands **Attorney Advertising **
Winemaking is an age-old craft that is embraced and celebrated by people across the globe, yours truly included. The business of wine is as expansive and ever evolving as the craft itself, especially in our modern age where small wineries are able to use cutting-edge marketing tools and social media to compete with established brands […]
Licensing Considerations When Entering a Joint Venture **Attorney Advertising **
When growing your business or brand entering into a joint venture via an affiliate arrangement or licensing your product or service can be an attractive and relatively easy way to expand your customer base. You may work with coaches or digital entrepreneurs, for example, who will partner with another individual, entity, or influencer within a […]
Branding Matters! Here’s How to Think Bigger If You’re Struggling to Grow. **Attorney Advertising**
Building a brand is not easy. Not only does a brand need to definitively represent your product or service in the minds of your customers, but it’s also something that will likely need to change and evolve as your company grows over the years and as times change. For many companies, that means having the […]