Apple Sued for Copying Google Technology
Google took Apple, Inc to the Court of International Trade claiming infringement of several features that showed up in Apple’s iPhone technology. The supposed infringements were directed towards the method of preventing a user’s head from accidentally activating the touch screen while talking on the phone. The court did not find Apple guilty of infringement. […]
Protecting Your Creativity
You’ve just created a beautiful work of art; a song, a play, a painting, a novel. What can you do? Protect it with copyright You’ve just created a new machine- that makes the world a better place. What can you do? Protect it with a patent You’ve just created a logo for your company- It […]
Who owns the “Evil Empire”
The Wall Street Journal reported on an interesting trademark case that was brought against the New York Yankees. Apparently a private entrepreneur, known as “Evil Enterprises, Inc.” tried to register the trademark for the phrase “Baseballs Evil Empire” and was turned down by a panel of trademark judges in Washington, D.C. Evil Enterprises wanted to […]
Building Relationship Based on Trust.
Jason Rosenblum believes in honest and upfront communication and in building trusting relationships with his clients. His law office focuses on Intellectual Property and specifically on the protection of trademarks. As well as understanding that your trademark is a critical element to the success of your business Jason also has the knowledge and desire to […]
The Advantages of Filing Your Trademark
If you are considering putting off registering your company trademark, you may want to rethink that decision. Some people feel like they would rather wait, save the upfront cost of registering and take care of that detail once the business is up and running or once they are bringing in more income. This may be […]
Building a business relationship early with your small business law firm
So you have started forming your business or maybe you are already operating. You have your product, service, or idea well-defined, but have you made sure that your business is properly structured to ensure that it is ready to move forward? Are you protected from potential legal issues and brand infringement? A lot of small […]
Trademark Registration is NOT guaranteed.
It can be easy to get excited about your company’s new Trademark, but before you get too attached to the mark it is important to remember that registration is not guaranteed. Registration may be refused for many reasons, but there are two things you can do to better your chances of success: 1- Hire an […]