Do I Need a Separate Trademark for My Name and Logo? **Attorney Advertising**

If you’re trying to decide whether to trademark your name as a logo or just the words themselves, it’s important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each option. What Is a Trademark? Let’s start by identifying what a trademark is. A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of these things […]

Should I Copyright My Entire Website? **Attorney Advertising**

Most people don’t realize that in the United States, creative works are protected by copyright law by default. That means that whenever you create something unique in a tangible medium, like website content, it’s automatically owned by you. However, this “default” right may not give you the legal recourse or compensation you desire if someone […]

Common Examples of Trade Secrets in Your Business That Deserve Protecting **Attorney Advertising**

Trade secrets can include not only the obvious intellectual property categories such as new inventions, technologies, and improved processes but also materials such as customer lists and contacts, marketing tactics, your business processes or procedures, pricing discounts, information, vendor contacts, and other information. Examples of trade secrets that you may already be familiar with include: […]

3 Steps to Protect Ownership of Your Social Media Accounts **Attorney Advertising**

It’s not uncommon for employees or consultants to run a company’s socials media. But, without careful attention to the details, this arrangement can cause trouble for the business or brand if the person running the account decides to quit or gets fired in the future. The nightmare scenario that we unfortunately see too often is […]

Young Entrepreneurs and the COVID-19 Pandemic **Attorney Advertising**

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been inspired by the sheer number of young entrepreneurs who have started new businesses and are working creatively to solve many of the problems that we are facing here in the United States and across the globe. It is astonishing how quickly young entrepreneurs responded by […]

Contracts: Top Ten Things to Consider **Attorney Advertising**

Contracts. Boring and complicated right? Many times, yes. But, if you consider that a contract is a preemptive solution to avoiding problems between two parties ultimately hoping together to succeed in accomplishing a mutual goal, then they can be pretty interesting and straight-forward. Always keep in mind that a contract is simply the statement of […]

What’s in a Name? **Attorney Advertising**

Naming is one of the most important pieces of launching a new business, brand, or product – yet most people don’t know how to weigh the different factors involved in the decision. Making the wrong choice can cost you dearly. I have encountered many clients who have had to change their business names, after spending […]