Thinking of Launching a Business in a COVID-19 World? **Attorney Advertising**
Whether it’s due to necessity following the loss of a job, or simply from having extra time to map out a plan while quarantining at home, many people are finding opportunities to launch new businesses that fill essential voids in the marketplace during the current COVID-19 crisis. Think of all the crafters who have jumped […]
The US Copyright Office Introduces Emergency Electronic Submissions Due to COVID-19 Delays and Closures **Attorney Advertising **
The United States Copyright Office and all Library of Congress Buildings remain closed to in-person visits due to the Coronavirus outbreak. When possible, employees of the Copyright Office are working remotely, while the number of onsite workers needed to process claims is being limited at this time for social distancing and safety reasons. The good […]
USPTO Extends Certain Patent and Trademark Filings to June 1st Due to COVID-19 **Attorney Advertising**
Due to the continued COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has further extended the deadline to submit certain patent and trademark filings, as well as pay required fees, to June 1st, 2020. This temporary authority was granted under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES […]
Commonly Overlooked Places Where Your Intellectual Property May Be Exposed **Attorney Advertising**
Your intellectual property is an asset of your business, and as such, it’s important to diligently protect your “IP” from theft or misuse. We often recommend that business owners, inventors, and entrepreneurs make “policing” their intellectual property a regular activity of their business, just as they would with routine accounting or administrative tasks. Part of […]
Considerations for Crafting Your Website’s Privacy Policy **Attorney Advertising**
If your website collects any type of personal information from the user, even if it is data obtained passively without the user actually submitting it to you, you should have a privacy policy on the site. Depending on your business and target customers, this may be required by law as covered under multiple federal and […]
Transferring or Passing Down Trade Secrets: What to Know. **Attorney Advertising**
Are you the owner of a valuable trade secret that you now want to transfer to a third-party, or possibly pass down to your loved ones? The good news is that trade secrets are considered personal property in the eyes of the law and therefore can be sold, gifted, or even left as part of […]
Intellectual Property Issues Surge Alongside Coronavirus Pandemic **Attorney Advertising**
As the world collectively bands together in the fight against COVID-19, intellectual property issues are simultaneously surging alongside the crisis. Without the immediate benefit of time to deal with infringement claims in a court of law, many problems are instead being hashed out in real time… and even settled in the court of public opinion. […]
Coronavirus Causing Worldwide Disruptions at IP Offices **Attorney Advertising**
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, government agencies that handle intellectual property issues around the world are either closed or working short-staffed. As such, emergency policies related to intellectual property claims are being issued, such as the suspension of IP deadlines and altered rules for digital filings. If you are in the process of filing for […]
It’s Now Mandatory to E-File Trademark Applications with the USPTO **Attorney Advertising **
When I first started practicing law, the only way to file anything with the USPTO was to snail mail a paper application (or other trademark related form). When a deadline was at stake, I would have to go to the post office for a date stamp from the post office as proof of filing date. […]
What Does a “Merely Ornamental” Trademark Refusal Mean? **Attorney Advertising**
So, you’ve applied for a trademark but your application was denied for being “merely ornamental” Under TMEP Section 1202.03. You’re now likely wondering, “What does that even mean?” and “How can I overcome this rejection?” It helps to first understand how the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) defines “ornamental.” Ultimately, it just means […]