How Can I Tell if a YouTube Video is Copyrighted? **Attorney Advertising**

Have you come across a YouTube video that you’d like to use and you’re trying to figure out if it’s protected by copyright? Unless the video: Is your own; or, The video specifically says that it’s free to use as part of the public domain; …you can safely assume that the video is protected by […]

Franchising and Intellectual Property: What to Know ** Attorney Advertising*

Franchising is a business strategy whereby a franchisor (or founder/developer of the business) licenses his or her procedures, intellectual property, marketing, general know-how, and the rights to sell branded products and services to a franchisee. McDonald’s is a well-known example of a franchise. When a person purchases a McDonald’s franchise, he or she is licensing […]

Tips for Spotting Counterfeits on Amazon **Attorney Advertising **

I was recently shopping for a toddler drum set for my son when I spotted what seemed to be a great bargain: a brand new set for just under $2.00! It was my lucky day. Of course I say that in jest, as I immediately noticed the $13 shipping fee attached to the drum kit […]