Law Office of Jason H. Rosenblum, PLLC

Intellectually Protecting Your Property ®

The Benefits of Conducting a Prior Art Search **Attorney Advertising**

When it comes to securing a patent, one of the most important things that you can do is conduct a prior art search. This type of search allows you to find out if there are other inventions that are similar to yours, which can help you determine if your invention is truly unique.

Prior art is the body of work known in the field at the time an inventor created something new to it. Prior art encompasses any prior patents, technical papers and publications, and public awareness existing in the world, in any language.

The body of knowledge that is prior art is vast. And that’s the most common reason problems arise during the patent application process. Remember, just because you think your invention is new or novel, doesn’t mean that it is. A prior art search will assist to uncover the existence of a similar invention right from the start.

Of course, there are many additional benefits to conducting a prior art search, including:

  • Avoiding unnecessary litigation. By searching for prior art, you might see if your invention infringes on any existing patents. This can help you avoid unnecessary litigation that would result had you commenced use of or selling your invention. However, a prior art search does not obviate the need for a freedom to operate search and analysis.
  • It can help you strengthen your patent application. A prior art search can help you find patents or other publications that are relevant to your invention. This information can be used to strategically draft your patent application and improve your chances of receiving a patent.
  • Save time and money. Conducting a prior art search before you file a patent application can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. It can help you avoid filing a patent application for an invention that is not truly novel or unique. Or, it can offer ideas or guidance if you are forced back to the drawing board so that you are moving forward in a more educated and efficient manner.

Getting Help

If you are planning to file a patent application, it is highly recommended that you conduct a search to ensure that your invention is eligible for protection. The effort you put into your initial search now can spare you heartaches,  stress, and financial loss down the road. If you’d like assistance getting started with the process, please contact our patent attorneys at 88-666-0062 or click here.


DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney.