Proper Use of a Trademark: What You Should and Should NOT Do **Attorney Advertising **
A trademark is a word, phrase, color, sound, design, symbol, or combination of such that identifies the source of goods or services from others. However, using your trademark to distinguish your product or service from others is not as simple as placing a ™ or Ò beside your trademarked name or graphic. There are a […]
The USPTO Says My Trademark is Confusingly Similar to Another. Now What? **Attorney Advertising **
One of the most common reasons that the United States Patent and Trademark Office will refuse an application for a trademark is that the mark in question is “confusingly similar” to a trademark that is already federally registered or to a pending application owned by another party under Section 2(d) Refusal – Likelihood of Confusion, […]
You Can Lose Your Trademark If It Becomes Too “Generic” **Attorney Advertising**
A trademark is a word, symbol or phrase that is used to identify the source of a particular product. Because a trademark works to uniquely set apart the source of a product from other brands and service providers in the marketplace, the United States Patent and Trademark Office requires that a trademark be unique and […]
How Can I Change My Trademark’s Ownership Information? **Attorney Advertising **
There are many reasons why a trademark holder may need to formally change the trademark’s ownership information with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The most common scenarios and instructions for carrying out such changes are listed below. Change in Legal Name When the owner of a trademark changes his or her name, that […]
Trademark Denied: Appeals of Trademark Final Refusals **Attorney Advertising**
The hardest part of registering a trademark is usually coming up with a unique trademark in the first place. A trademark is a word or symbol that should distinguish your company, product, or service from all others. Once you have chosen a name to represent your brand, the next step is to register your trademark […]