Amazon Launches Pilot Program to Help Patent Owners to Defend Their Rights Against Third-Party Sellers
The ease and ability for anyone to sell on Amazon has created a variety of challenges for patent holders who may discover that their patented inventions (or counterfeits of their patented inventions) are being sold directly to consumers online without permission. In the past, patent holders have tried to hold Amazon directly liable for such […]
What’s a Provisional Application for Patent? **Attorney Advertising**
Patent infringement is a costly problem for inventors and businesses, and by the time the problem is discovered, it can be very costly to litigate and solve for all parties involved. However, there is a way to ensure that inventors can stake their claim as the first person to create an invention. A provisional patent […]
Help! I’m Being Accused of Patent Infringement! ** Attorney Advertising **
It’s never a good day when an inventor, engineer, or business owner is accused of infringing on someone’s patent. Perhaps you did something wrong. Maybe your actions were unintentional, or maybe the infringement claim itself is bogus. Let’s dig into some of the common reasons why you may be accused of patent infringement and what […]