Procrastinating on IP Protection: Why Waiting is a Costly Mistake **Attorney Advertising**
Intellectual property (IP) might seem like a concern only for tech giants and multinational corporations, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Every business, from the garage start-up to the expansive enterprise, has some form of IP worth protecting. Yet, many delay this crucial step, often to their own detriment. Here are some common […]
How to Use Trademarks, Copyrights, and Patents to Protect Fashion Designs ** Attorney Advertising**
The world of fashion is a multi-billion-dollar industry that includes the sale of apparel and all related fashion accessories across the globe. Those who make a name for themselves in the fashion space often do so because of their unique and stylish designs that catch the eye of retailers, fashion influencers, and customers alike. While […]
Buyer Beware: Read This Before You Hire a Low-Cost Law Firm or DIY Company to Handle Your Intellectual Property or Other Legal Needs! **Attorney Advertising **
I was recently approached by two separate potential clients that previously worked with the same law firm. This law firm has a website with easy client sign-up for engaging the firm’s services and filing trademark applications with fees comparable to those charged by LegalZoom, but with an actual law firm. I have seen these low-priced […]