Should You Trademark Your Social Media Handle?  **Attorney Advertising**

Has your social media username become your brand’s voice? Maybe you’ve built a following under a creative handle like “PennyWiseMama” or “FixItFelix” rather than simply using your personal name. This persona is now how you engage with fans, generate attention, and build a loyal following. But as your online presence grows, so might the need […]

Trade Secrets in the Digital Age: Protecting Your IP from Cyber Threats **Attorney Advertising**

Trade secrets, from proprietary algorithms to unique manufacturing processes, represent invaluable intellectual property (IP) for businesses. In today’s digital age, however, they face increasing threats from cyberattacks. Protecting your trade secrets means more than just internal safeguards; it means a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. Understanding the Value of Trade Secrets Trade secrets give companies a […]

Intellectual Property Valuations: The Basics Every IP Owner Should Know **Attorney Advertising**

As an Intellectual Property owner, understanding the value of your intellectual property (IP) assets is crucial for making informed decisions about licensing, monetization, and strategic partnerships. IP valuation is the process of estimating the monetary worth of your patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of IP valuation […]