Law Office of Jason H. Rosenblum, PLLC

Intellectually Protecting Your Property ®

Spring Cleaning for your IP: 8 Steps to Take **Attorney Advertising**

Spring is here and it’s an excellent time to organize and audit your intellectual property. If it’s been a while since you’ve taken an audit of your “IP” or if you’ve never taken the time to secure your intellectual property rights at all, here are some key points to consider:

  1. Make sure you have an up-to-date patent and trademark portfolio.

If you have inventions, products, or brands that you want to protect, make sure you have an up-to-date patent and trademark portfolio. It’s important to do a full audit of your patents and trademarks every year to ensure that all of your intellectual property is properly protected.

  1. Secure your online presence.

Register any domain names and social media handles that are similar to yours. Include a copyright notice on your website, trademark notice® for your registered trademarks, patent marking for your patents, and make sure your web developer includes proper security measures to protect your site from infringement.

  1. Create and enforce trademark use policies.

If you have a trademark, make sure you have a trademark use policy in place, and make sure all employees and contractors are aware of the policy and how to comply.

  1. Properly protect your trade secrets.

Make sure you have a trade secret protection plan in place, policies, procedures, contracts, and that all employees and contractors are aware of their obligations to keep your trade secrets confidential.

  1. Secure your customer data.

Make sure you have a data security policy in place, and that all employees and contractors are aware of their obligations to protect your customer data.

  1. Stay vigilant against infringement.

Monitor the marketplace for any products or brands that might infringe on your intellectual property rights and take action to protect your IP rights if necessary.

  1. Review your licensing agreements and make sure all of your intellectual property is properly protected.

If you license any of your intellectual property to other companies, make sure the agreements include proper protection for your IP.

Taking these steps can help you protect your intellectual property and keep your business running smoothly. For more tips on how to firm up your “IP foundation” heading into spring, please contact us at (888) 666-0062 to schedule an appointment or schedule here.


DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney