This one is a BONUS follow up to my prior post 5 Major Intellectual Property Mistakes Businesses Make
Many business owners are under the impression that by registering their entity and forming a corporation or other formal entity, they have automatic trademark protection for their name.
Your corporate name or entity name is not a trademark and it does NOT automatically grant you any trademark rights.
An entity name may be registered as a trademark, but as with any other mark, must be applied for and accepted by the USPTO in order to attain registration. Also, here in the US a name is not exclusive to a particular corporate entity. In order to stop others from using your entity’s name, you must use it in a trademark manner and register it as a trademark.
If you have questions about the intellectual property that you and your business creates contact the Law Office of Jason H. Rosenblum, PLLC today to discuss the details first.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney.
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