Is a Watermark on an Image the Same Thing as a Copyright? **Attorney Advertising **

Artists of all types and media take a risk when showcasing their work on the internet. Images are easy to steal, and many artists have had the unfortunate experience of seeing their work end up in places that they did not authorize or receive compensation for. Understandably, artists have resorted to “watermarking” their images online […]

Can You Receive a Copyright Using a Pen Name? **Attorney Advertising**

Many authors choose to publish their literary works under a pen name in order to remain anonymous.  Throughout history, women have published books under male pen names to hide their gender, while some authors have used pen names to write outside of their established genre.  Others may simply use a pen name to protect their […]

Do I Need Permission or a License to Perform a Cover of a Song? **Attorney Advertising**

Whether you’re a wedding singer, you sing in a local band, or perform music with your school or university, chances are you’ve performed a “cover” of a song that was created by another artist or producer. But, when does merely performing someone else’s song or musical material become a violation of intellectual property rights?  And, […]

3-D Printing, Copyright, and Trademark Law **Attorney Advertising **

3-D printers have come a long way, and now they’re small enough and affordable enough for individual artists to have their own. This gives the freedom to make two-dimensional computer-assisted drawings (CAD) into three-dimensional resin objects. The IP implications of this, however, are confusing and laws may need to catch up. So until intellectual property […]