Law Office of Jason H. Rosenblum, PLLC

Intellectually Protecting Your Property ®

“Help! Facebook Says My Page Is About to Be Deleted!”  **Attorney Advertising**

You’ve been working hard on your business’s Facebook page, maybe even dipping your toes into the world of paid ads. Suddenly, you’re bombarded with alarming messages: “Warning! Your Facebook page is in violation of copyright and will soon be deleted!” Your heart races. Your palms sweat. Is all your hard work about to go down the drain?

Take a deep breath. Chances are, you’re looking at a scam.

The Rise of Facebook Copyright Scams

As businesses increase their Facebook presence, scammers have found a new opportunity. They prey on your fears of losing your page and all your followers. But before you click on any links or hand over your information to “save” your page, let’s look at how to spot these fakes.

Red Flags: Spotting the Scammers

  1. Urgency and Threats: Scammers love to create panic. If the message is all about immediate action or your page being deleted, be suspicious.
  2. Poor Grammar and Spelling: Official Meta communications are typically well-written. Lots of errors? It’s probably a scam.
  3. Unofficial Communication Channels: Meta won’t slide into your DMs about copyright issues. They have official channels for this.
  4. Requests for Personal Information: Meta already has your info. If someone’s asking for passwords or credit card details, run!
  5. Suspicious Links: Hover over links without clicking. If they lead to strange URLs, not or, don’t click!

How Meta Really Handles Copyright Issues

When there’s a genuine copyright problem, here’s what actually happens:

  • Official Channels: You’ll receive a notification through Facebook’s official support inbox, not personal messages.
  • Specific Details: Real notices include specific information about the copyrighted content in question.
  • Appeal Process: Meta provides a clear process for appealing copyright claims, usually through their help center.
  • No Immediate Deletion: Unless it’s a severe violation, Meta typically gives you time to address issues before taking drastic action.

What If It’s Real?

If you do receive a genuine copyright notice:

  1. Review the claim carefully
  2.  If it’s a mistake, file an appeal
  3.  If it’s valid, remove the content in question
  4. Consider consulting with an intellectual property attorney for complex cases

Remember, it’s crucial to respect copyright laws in your social media content. But it’s equally important not to fall victim to scammers trying to exploit your fears.

Navigating the world of social media and copyright can be tricky. If you’re unsure about a copyright claim or need help ensuring your content is compliant, we’re here to help. Call us today at (888) 666-0062 or click here to schedule your initial Discovery and Strategy Session online. Let’s keep your Facebook page safe, compliant, and scam-free!

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney.