Lessons from a Naming Guru: How Savvy Naming and IP Work Together to Create a Winning Branding Strategy **Attorney Advertising**
I recently stumbled across this article on Vox.com that highlights the work of Rachel Bernard, who has served in roles such as the “Director of Naming” and “Vice President of Verbal Strategy” at major ad agencies. You can read more about what she does and how important her position is as it relates to branding […]
How Photographers In Should Protect Their Intellectual Property and Creative Work – Attorney Advertising
For professional photographers, social media can be both a blessing and a curse. Social media and other online channels provide a great way to increase exposure and get new clients. However, due to the wide open nature of the internet, those channels often allow people to use your photos without permission. If you make your […]
CAN-SPAM: Why It Could End Up Costing You $16,000
Have you ever found yourself on some company’s email list and you can’t remember ever signing up for it? Maybe the content interests you, maybe it doesn’t, but either way, you promise yourself you’ll be more careful about what you sign up for in the future. This seems to happen to people all the time—and […]
Why You Need to Love Your Work Space
You spend a large percentage of your life working. So, you should not only love what you do, but you should love where you do it. How you feel about your office space will greatly determine how productive you are throughout the day, the quality of your work and even how you feel about your […]
Finding Great Business Solutions Means Finding Great Resources
When you are starting, operating, or expanding your own business you will most likely need information, advice, and good resources. NYC Business Solutions is one of those resources we love to tell small business operators about. From developing business ideas to staying in business once you are up and running, NYC Business Solutions is dedicated […]
The Dark Knight Rises gets away with a “Clean Slate”
Recent court rulings declare that Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. did not infringe on a trademark for using the term “Clean Slate.” The film under question was “The Dark Knight Rises,” which was released in the United States in 2012. Apparently there are multiple references to a fictional software called the “clean slate” program. The company […]
Important Legal Issues Around a Live Event
In September of this year I attended Ruth Sherman’s Charisma Live event to learn how to become a better speaker and presenter. In addition to benefiting from these events and putting them toward my own personal development, I always use these experiences to learn as much about the coaching industry so that I can better […]
The Right Time to Trademark Your Company’s Name
The best time to register your Trademark is as soon as you develop it. Taking care of this important piece of business early can save you a lot of trouble in the future. Being sure that you can use your brand without infringing on a company that may oppose its use helps you move forward […]
The Importance of Hiring an Expert When Filing for Trademark Protection
Often small businesses get started without much capital. This may lead to budget concerns and perhaps filing trademarks and handling other intellectual property issues independently. It’s only when these attempts go awry that business owners realize it is a better investment to consult with an expert. I received a call from a company recently that […]
Attorney Jason Rosenblum Explains How to Protect Your Intellectual Property
Intellectual property may be a confusing concept when first trying to understand the importance of its legal protection. This is not necessarily a tangible item or a concrete object. Intellectual property may be an idea, a word, or creative works. Trademarks, patents, and copyright are all forms of protection of intellectual property, but what exactly […]